
"First class and cheap dental implants with experienced dentists of the best Hungarian dental clinics in the safe heart of Europe."

Dental treatment abroad: blog all about how & where


What Is a bone graft in the upper jaw?

Dental bone grafting in the upper jaw is a crucial procedure for individuals who have experienced bone loss due to factors like periodontal disease, injury, or the natural ageing process. While the thought of a surgical procedure may seem daunting, advances in dental technology and grafting materials have made this process safer, more effective, and […]

Which Country is the Best for Dental Treatment Abroad?

Choosing the right country for dental care abroad depends on several factors, including your budget, the quality of care you expect, and your willingness to travel. Below are some of the most popular destinations for dental treatments. The main points of our article are the following : Which Country is the Best for Dental Treatment […]

What are e.max veneers and Emax crowns? Advantages and disadvantages.

teeth veneers

The E-max veneers are one of the greatest products in aesthetic dentistry. With the help of contact lens-like ceramics, we can achieve significant changes in a very short time when it comes to colour and size differences or minor defects. The E-max veneers are the secret behind the perfect Hollywood smile. The main points of […]

Dental bone loss preventation: How to prevent dental bone loss

dental bone graft material

Dental bone loss is one of the most frightening health concerns in dentistry. Not only because the loss of a tooth puts the dentures and the rest of the bone structure at risk. Losing our teeth also affects our quality of life. The bite force weakens and eating can become painful. Gum recession is usually […]

Smoking after bone graft in mouth. Dental-related risks caused by smoking

Bad habits

In our previous article, we discussed the potential complications of bone grafting. We warned that smoking is strictly forbidden to those suffering from bone deficiency. We are now going to tell you why. In this article, we are discussing the following topics: Bone grafting in brief General harmful effects of smoking Dental-related risks caused by […]

Remove tartar from teeth. The most effective ways of avoiding dental plaque formation and tartar build-up


Oral hygiene plays a key role in our daily lives, as we can only be satisfied with our appearance if we have healthy and beautiful teeth. If the teeth start to decay, we should consult a dentist immediately, but thorough and frequent dental care will also help us prevent most dental problems.

Complications of bone grafting for dental implants.


In certain cases before a dental implantation a bone grafting operation must be done. Although it sounds frightening, it is a routine procedure with minimum intervention. During bone grafting the missing bone in the jaw is augmented. With this we ensure a solid base for the dental implantation.

Can a dental implant be repaired or replaced?


Although the success rate of the insertion of implants is really high – well above 90% –certain problems may still occur. Even this modern tooth replacement solution can have defects sometimes. The implant or the screw holding the superstructure may loosen, and the later can even break.

Jawbone augmentation Qestions & Answers :
what is augmentation in jaw surgery?

dental bone graft material

The implantation of new teeth is the most effective, state-of-the-art method of tooth replacement. Patients can acquire new teeth that look like natural teeth and are almost as strong. However, even this method cannot be effective if the jaw bones are not suitable to host the artificial roots. In this case, dental experts apply jaw bone augmentation procedures.

Stained teeth and teeth discoloration

teeth whitening

A neat, white and healthy set of teeth gives confidence to its owner. Stained teeth, on the other hand, might give the urge to hide the unwanted deterioration. We hardly open our mouths during talking, and the overall width of the smile decreases. In time, teeth discoloration might unfortunately result in self-evaluation problems.

How durable are dental implants?

about dental implants

As we get older, the condition of our teeth can deteriorate even if we take care of them in an appropriate way. Conserving dentistry (treatments aimed at conserving the teeth) can extend the durability of our teeth by years. Howevever, it doesn’t have an everlasting effect if the structure of the tooth is already damaged.

Teeth grinding, or also bruxism

doctor review

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a bad habit that involves the clenching, grinding and gnashing of the teeth. While most people do grind their teeth occasionally, it can be very damaging if done frequently. In case teeth grinding becomes a habit, causing intensive pain and damage to the teeth, it is necessary to turn to […]

Sopron with the eyes of a dental tourist

Sopron city

Hungary is rightly known for its highly qualified healthcare professionals. Besides receiving top quality dental service, the dental patients also have the opportunity to get to know a beautiful city with a rich history: Sopron. Our dental clinic in  Sopron is located in the popular Castle District, in the proximity of several sights. The town’s symbolic […]

What are the reasons for dental implants?

gentle dental care

We need our teeth for a lifetime. Still, mainly in adulthood, we might lose them. When this happens we, of course, we are shocked, but we shouldn’t be. Nowadays there is a solution for regaining our perfect smiles and eating our favourite dishes just like before. By getting dental implantation, one of the most modern methods […]

Do I need to get tooth reshaping?

tooth reshaping

Who would not agree that healthy, nicely shaped, naturally white teeth make their owners self-confident and therefore more successful? In today’s world, the emphasis we put on our appearance is even bigger than before. This is why more and more people use the various methods of tooth reshaping. In the followings, you will find answers […]

Implant supported dentures, teeth placed on an implant

Implant supported dentures

In this article, we review the most important facts and information about dental implants. We collect the vital advantages, features, costs, and main facts connected to the surgery. This article provides answers to the following questions: What is a dental implant? Why are implant-supported dentures better than traditional protheses? Who can get dentures on implants? […]

Dental phobia


I guess you have heard of people suffering from arachnophobia or elevator phobia. There are many types of these intense and irrational fears, one of them is dentophobia. If you want to know more about dental phobia, from our article you can find out: What is dental phobia? Dentophobia or just anxiety? Symptoms and consequences […]