
"First class and cheap dental implants with experienced dentists of the best Hungarian dental clinics in the safe heart of Europe."

Immediate dental implants

What is an immediate dental implant?


You want to be able to smile again, but you don’t have enough time for the insertion of dental implants? Or do you want to save even more money? Thanks to the IHDE immediate dental implants technology from Switzerland, you can obtain your temporary dental implant on the very first day of your treatment. And on the fourth you can get your immediate dental implant. Is is possible even for patients suffering of dental bone loss.

Our article provides an answer to the following questions:

dentist recommendations

  • Permanent dental implants in just 4 days, without bone grafting
  • Advantages of IHDE dental implants
  • What does minimally invasive surgery mean?
  • For whom and when is the IHDE implant recommended?
  • The manufacturing process of immediate loading implants.
  • When can the IHDE implant be loaded and how long is healing?
  • Package price for the restoration of an entire jaw
  • Permanent dental implants in just 4 days, without bone grafting

    First, quickly check the table for comparing the main differences between the traditional and the IHDE implant.

    Characteristics of the treatment IHDE dental implant Traditional dental implant
    Treatment costs IHDE dental implant –cheaper Traditional dental implant –more expensive
    Applicability IHDE dental implant –also with bone loss Traditional dental implant –only on bones
    Length of the treatment IHDE dental implant –4 days (In 90 % of the cases! Traditional dental implant –6-12 Months
    Temporary dental prosthesis IHDE dental implant –on the first day Traditionelle Implantate –no option
    Permanent dental prosthesis IHDE dental implant –on the fourth day Traditional dental implant –after 9-12 Months
    Dental bone graft IHDE dental implant –not necessary Traditional dental implant –might be necessary
    Sinus lift IHDE dental implant –not necessary Traditional dental implant –might be necessary

    Advantages of IHDE dental implants

  • Applicable with most of the patients, even those with parodontitis
  • Dental prosthesis with implants without pain in one treatment
  • Guarantee even for dental implants with bone loss, immediately loadable
  • Minimal invasive treatment without bleeding and pain
  • No healing phase of 3-6 months, since the new teeth are fixed after 3-4 days
  • On the day of the implantation you get a temporary prosthesis. On the 3rd or 4th day of the treatment you get your permanent dental prosthesis
  • After the tooth extraction immediate implantation, no healing phase
  • This treatment does not take long and also it is cheaper than the traditional treatment

    IHDE immediate dental implants are cheaper than traditional dental implants. It is because the treatment requires less time, less materials and fewer additional factors.

    Without pain

    The IHDE immediate dental implants require only the smallest surgical intervention. In most cases the dentist can do it without opening up the gum. For the intervention the patient can get local anesthesia or general anesthetics. This way the do not feel or realize anything during the treatment.

    What does minimally invasive surgery mean?

    This is a treatment without bleeding or pain. Instead of opening the gum, the dentist drills through it to create small holes in the bone. The patient is under anaesthetics during the treatment. After the treatment patients usually do not need further local anaesthetics needed to take home for aftercare. Since only small holes are drilled into the gum through which patients don’t have to face a 3 to 6 months healing phase.

    For whom and when is the IHDE implant recommended?

    Dental specialists recommend IHDE immediate dental implants for severe cases where traditional dental implants cannot be an adequate solution. This can mean patients who are smokers and patients with diabetes. Immediate dental implants are a good solution in case of complete loss of teeth. They can be used even for patients with periodontitis (which occurs as a consequence of a longer period of time with the loss of teeth, or an inflammation).

    The manufacturing process of immediate loading implants.

    The manufacturing of immediate loading implants has four phases.



    On the first day in the framework of the first treatment phase after having discussed an appointed time, the dentist assesses the dental condition of the patient. I necessary, the dentist extracts tooth/teeth.

    IHDE implantation

    This step occurs also in the framework of the first treatment phase and we consult about the possible dental prosthesis more in detail.

    Temporary dental prothesis

    After the first treatment the dentist inserts your temporary dental prosthesis. You can leave after you first treatment smiling and feeling comfortable.

    ………… the following days the dental laboratory prepares the permanent dental prosthesis for you.

    Permanent immediate implants

    On the fourth day, the second part of the treatment takes place. Depending on your decision the dentist inserts the permanent immediate implants.

    When can the IHDE implant be loaded and how long is healing?

    The IHDE implants can be placed right after extracting your tooth and can be blocked together with other implants or teeth suitable for that. The result of this process is such a stable construction that can be loaded besides high aesthetical requirements. Owing to its special technology, the healing time is reduced to its minimum. In the case of general implantation, healing can take even 6 months although by IHDE permanent dentures can be placed in the mouth on day 4. The temporary denture and painful healing time can be avoided.

    Package price for the restoration of an entire jaw

    Fix package price with hotel included

    Lower jaw: 10-12 IHDE dental implants and fixed temporary dental bridges: 6900 $
    Upper jaw: 10-12 IHDE dental implants and fixed temporary dental bridges: 6900 $

    (Quotes are prepared in Euro and shall be paid in Euro. The package price has no hidden costs!)

    The package includes:

    • Consultation and preparation of a treatment plan
    • Medications
    • Tooth extraction, if necessary
    • Surgical intervention: insertion of 10-12 IHDE immediately loadable dental implants
    • Impression, production of fixed temporary round bridge
    • Placement of round bridge
    • Forming of the gum, bite refinement
    • Check-up
    • 4 day accommodation with breakfast only 500 meters away from the clinic: Jagello Buisness Hotel***
    • Airport transfer on the day of your arrival and departure
    • Assistance from your dental personal assistant who will organize your trip and appointments and will accompany you to the treatments

    Based on our article, review the benefits of the IHDE implants. If you belong to the group of people of high risk, always consult with your dentist about your state and opportunities. The IHDE implants provide a solution even in hopeless situations, so do not give up your dreams!

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    Do you maybe have a similar problem?

    Is a similar treatment in the USA to expensive for you? Consider having your dental work done in Hungary and save 40-60%. We understand that traveling to another country for complex dental procedures can be challenging, and you might have many questions. We offer 2 options: Meet with us in person in Budapest, Sopron, or Vienna, or request a quote. To help us find the best treatment for you and prepare a personalised treatment plan with a price estimate, please send us your panoramic X-ray. For purely cosmetic treatments, photos may suffice. We ask you to provide the following images: a picture of the upper and lower jaw with your mouth open, and photos of your teeth from the front, right, and left with your mouth closed.
    Please fill out the form below, and attach your documents and one of our staff members will process your request and get in touch with you within 24 hours (on working days).

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