
"First class and cheap dental implants with experienced dentists of the best Hungarian dental clinics in the safe heart of Europe."

dentists europe


Complications of bone grafting for dental implants.


In certain cases before a dental implantation a bone grafting operation must be done. Although it sounds frightening, it is a routine procedure with minimum intervention. During bone grafting the missing bone in the jaw is augmented. With this we ensure a solid base for the dental implantation.

Sopron with the eyes of a dental tourist

Sopron city

Hungary is rightly known for its highly qualified healthcare professionals. Besides receiving top quality dental service, the dental patients also have the opportunity to get to know a beautiful city with a rich history: Sopron. Our dental clinic in  Sopron is located in the popular Castle District, in the proximity of several sights. The town’s symbolic […]

Do I need to get tooth reshaping?

tooth reshaping

Who would not agree that healthy, nicely shaped, naturally white teeth make their owners self-confident and therefore more successful? In today’s world, the emphasis we put on our appearance is even bigger than before. This is why more and more people use the various methods of tooth reshaping. In the followings, you will find answers […]

Dental phobia


I guess you have heard of people suffering from arachnophobia or elevator phobia. There are many types of these intense and irrational fears, one of them is dentophobia. If you want to know more about dental phobia, from our article you can find out: What is dental phobia? Dentophobia or just anxiety? Symptoms and consequences […]

What is periodontal disease?


However, periodontitis does not appear naturally, it frustrates many people’s lives, especially the middle-aged and the older generations. Our article shows its causes, nature; also gives useful tips on how to prevent or cure it. From our article you can learn the following: What is periodontal disease? The symptoms of periodontitis Who are more at […]

Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is a medical intervention to save a tooth. A specialist should execute the treatment, however, after the treatment; the patient’s tooth can serve well for a long time. This article will answer the following questions about root canal treatment: What is a root canal treatment? How does tooth root inflammation develop? When […]

Teeth Check

teeth check

In this winter special, we have reduced the price of our Teeth Check Trip from 115 $ to 67 $. If you shouldn’t know what this Teeth Check trip beholds, it’s a one night trip to Hungary, where you get to know the dentists with the dental clinic and get a quote on the spot.

How to get an affordable cosmetic dentistry abroad?

cosmetic dentistry abroad

A stunning smile can boost confidence and make a lasting impression, but cosmetic dental treatments can be expensive in many countries. For this reason, thousands of people are looking for cosmetic dentistry abroad, where they can get high-quality care at a significantly lower price while enjoying an exciting destination. In this article, we’ll look at […]

Cheap, but still good – high-quality tooth implants in Hungary

best dental clinic

There is no doubt: Western Europeans who have their dental treatments planned and done in Central Europe, for instance in Hungary, can save a lot of money. Due to significantly lower prices, the total amount of the bill can be more favourable (even including travel expenses) if they choose a dental clinic in another European […]