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Tooth operation

What to watch out for before and after a dental surgery


A tooth extraction, or any tooth operation (e.g. a dental implantation) is a haemorrhagic, in the medical-language an invasive, procedure. It is therefore advisable for the patient to prepare himself thoroughly for such interventions.If we choose a conscious preparation rather than fear and self-blame, we have much more chances for a quick and painless procedure and a faster healing.What are the advices that you should pay attention to? Some rules must be closely followed, in order for the wounds to heal well after a tooth operation.
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What should be considered before a tooth operation?

A dental extraction and all other dental surgical interventions will be most successful when the patient is in excellent health, well prepared and not tense, and has confidence that he is in good hands.
Here is a summary of the most important information and things to do when preparing for surgery.

When and what to eat, before the treatment?

It is worth to eat before the treatment, because if the blood sugar level is too low, we are most likely to be more tense. There are dental surgeries where the patient is not allowed to eat for several hours after, so it is better to eat something beforehand (heavy, greasy foods should be avoided so the body is not overloaded).

The hours before the surgery

The patient is not allowed to eat anything the day of the operation with interventions under general anaesthesia, but also not drink for 3 hours before the tooth operation. The teeth should be cleaned thoroughly of course.

The mental preparation

The most important preparation for the oral surgery is the mental preparation. The calmer we are, the easier the procedure will be; as for the dentist, as for us. It is extremely necessary to trust the doctor. We should start with the dental surgery only if the trust is truly there.

Medication intake before a dental surgery

If the patient regularly takes different medications (heart medication, antipsychotics, etc.), the treating dentist can request a consultation with the house doctor. The house doctor then can determine if and how the regularly taken medication should be taken. After a dental surgery, antibiotics and pain killers should be taken, which the oral surgeon prescribes.

Many patients are unaware that aspirin should not be taken for a few days before and after the operation, because it is not beneficial for blood clotting.

Vitamin C as well as multivitamin preparations should be taken regularly before and after the surgical dental treatment, because they also promote faster healing!

What symptoms can you notice after surgery?

Unfortunately, even in the hands of an excellent doctor, the patient’s condition can turn worse after the surgery. It is especially true for patients with other serious underlying diseases. In their case, greater care and stricter standards may be needed.But luckily, this is not typical. In most cases, patients overcome the postoperative period with minor discomfort. Let’s see these.


After surgery, some patients may experience an increase in temperature, or fever. If you have a high or prolonged fever, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor.

Swelling, bleeding.

Swelling and minor bleeding may occur around the surgical area. Consult your doctor if you have any serious bleeding. Treating minor symptoms with properly performed cold packs can help.


In the following days or weeks of the surgery, feeling some pain is natural. Depending on the seriousness of the procedure, the pain of a small or greater degree can be treated with drugs and other methods in most cases. However, if your complaints do not subside or even increase, you should re-see your doctor as soon as possible. In fact, complications may occur that require further medical treatment.

Stitch picking.

Not all surgeries are followed by wound sutures. However, if this is the case, your doctor may need to remove the suture. But you don’t have to be afraid of that. The specialist performs it in no time and it typically does not cause any discomfort or pain.

Other symptoms

Other symptoms can be, for example, sore throat immediately after surgery, or temporary swallowing difficulties. These symptoms typically go away. However, the situation is different, for example, with inflammatory symptoms, in which case be sure to inform your doctor.
Of course, the symptoms listed above do not appear in all patients, especially not at the same rate. Your doctor will also prepare you for unexpected situations, but it is worth reading the information listed in the next chapter, as many complications can be avoided and cured if the patient is careful, and complies with the rules during the postoperative period.

Guidelines for after the dental intervention

  • Do not use any mouth rinse on the day and the days after the tooth operation, and do not suck on the operated area.
  • The during surgery inserted gauze tampon should not be removed prematurely.
  • Cool the operated area for 20 minutes every hour, as cooling reduces the possibility of local edema. If no cooler is available, wrap a frozen product in a towel.
  • Prevent local edema by also taking a calcium tablet on a daily basis.
  • Pay special attention to oral care! Plaques can infect the surgical wound, thus endangering the tooth surgery.dentophobia
  • Do not consume dairy products during the postoperative days, and also avoid egg dishes.
  • Coffee and alcohol consumption is not recommended.
  • If you smoke, avoid smoking for as long as possible; do not smoke for at least two days.
  • If possible, do not lie on a flat pillow for 48 hours. First and foremost, try a half-sitting position (this also applies for during the night-time!).
  • Take the medication exactly as described by the dentist, as the antibiotics may cause more damage if not taken correctly.
  • Avoid any physical stress and physical work after a dental operation. This also applies to the use of a sauna, solarium and swimming pool.
  • After a dental implantation, solid and spicy foods should be avoided.

If you follow these tips, the wound will heal faster after your dental surgery!

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